Would it surprise you to find that a staggering 70% of Americans hate their job? When we are unhappy with our job, everything in our life suffers including physical and mental health, finances, stress levels, and family just to name a few. So what do you do? We spend more time at our workplace than home. If you’re miserable, take a step back and gain some clarity.
It’s In the Attitude
First, stay positive. Our attitudes affect everything we touch, and others easily detect a negative attitude. Whenever the negative thoughts threaten to take over, take a moment to recognize everything you are grateful for. This simple mental exercise, done three to four times a day, can be an inner game changer.
Don’t Stay in a Place of Desperation
Second, realize that although you’re not happy with your job that you aren’t desperate either. You have the luxury of being able to choose and not take just anything that will pay the bills. Instead, you can accept a better position that offers growth opportunities and a salary increase.
Hire a Professional
Third, get the guidance that you need to succeed. It’s not just about putting any ol’ resume online anymore. To be successful and place yourself in a better position, you need a strategy and a resume that stands out from the rest of the crowd.
Understand Your Value
Fourth, understand your uniqueness. If you aren’t clear about it, employers won’t be either. If you don’t capitalize on your value, then companies will move on leaving you with a missed opportunity. If you aren’t sure what your value is then take a few minutes and write down what comes easily to you. Most often we don’t identify our value because it flows so easily into everything we do. For example, are you a great communicator? Can you deliver complex information in easy to understand instructions? Make a list and capitalize on what you discover.
Rest &Relaxation
When people are dealing with a large amount of stress, it’s easy to stay focused on the problem. However, if you take a few minutes to refresh, and recharge you can shift your frustrations into a better mood. What works for you? Music? Reading? Disconnecting and watching a good movie? Hiking? Swimming? Allow yourself some time to recharge.